Aims & Objectives

  • Inculcation & Promotion of Secular, Cultural & Moral Values among the
  • Establishment of Academic, Vocational, Skill Development Institutions, Libraries with special emphasis on weaker section, and downtrodden strata of communities.
  • Conducting studies and surveys for knowing the problems adversely affecting the weaker section of society and identification of beneficiaries thereof.
  • Motivation of communities for fostering brotherhood, affection, passion for helping attitude and organizing support and charities for the needy and destitutes by means of collective co-operation.
  • Execution of projects for extending help to widows, physically handicapped, orphans including medical
  • Acceptance of Grants, Gift, Donations, Loans Charity Funds in cash or kind or in securities for furtherance of the objectives of
  • Purchase and Acquisition of Assets, construction of required infrastructure for execution of Academic, Charity, and Welfare related
  • Empowering people for racial healing, equity and reconciliation
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